The very first idea I came up with was the presentation of my research in the teletext format. This was met with doubt by tutors so the idea was put on the shelf for a while. However I have been considering a bit further how this could be made to work and have been coming around to the idea. Sure it would be restrictive, but that would be part of the project itself.

With the HTML format, as exhibited in the microsite main page, there are naturally problems. I could conceivably format this so as to stick to the 40x60 palette but the exact appearance in other browsers is not guaranteed. Also, different systems use different system fonts, rendering 'FixedSys' useless on browsers other than IE. I have resorted here to using Courier, another fixed-width font that is much more common and recognisable by most browsers. This obviously is not ideal in remaining faithful to the medium but is an adaptation for another format.
Thus may be evident another possible area to explore: re-contextualising teletext for other formats, maybe newer more 'modern' media. In the past, the format has been ported to BBC Micro and in recent years teletext has been formatted for a number of online browsers. I could take this one, or even two steps further, exploring what the format may possibly be like in forms such as mobile phone screens and even High Definition. The latter would open up a range of possibilities, including having a whole teletext hierarchy fit onto a single HDTV screen, highlighting the difference in resolution between the two to a new extreme.
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